
The procedure for renewing the unemployment card at the OAED

The procedure for renewing the unemployment card at the OAED

The OAED unemployment card gives the status of unemployed to every person who is on the labor market and is looking for employment in a company.


The obligations of the holder of an unemployment card consist of the following:

-The unemployment card of the registered unemployed is valid for three months from the initial registration or the last renewal thereof, at which time it must be renewed.

-As regards the beneficiaries of regular unemployment benefits, it should be noted that after the end of regular unemployment benefits, the unemployment card remains valid for an additional three months, at which time it must be renewed.

- The possibility of renewal is valid for a period of five working days before and five working days after the stated date of expiry of the unemployment card. After the five-day period has passed, the unemployment card is automatically deleted from the Agency's computerized system. In this case, the citizen can issue a new unemployment card.

The renewal of the OAED unemployment card can be done:

Via Internet

To renew the unemployment card online, you must be certified as a user of the OAED Online Services either:

receiving a Key Number from an Employment Promotion Center - KPA OAED, either
using your passwords from the General Secretariat of Information Systems (GISS)
To renew the unemployment card from the Online Services of the OAED, click here.

Through KEP

To renew your unemployment card through Citizen Service Centers (KEP), you should go to a KEP Citizen Service Center, bringing with you your VAT number, AMKA and proof of identity (ID card, passport, driver's license or insurance booklet).

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