
Countdown to the start of applications for the 25,000 places

Countdown to the start of applications for the 25,000 places

Within the week, the issuance of the Public Service Act of the OAED is expected.

Submission of applications

The submission of applications by the interested unemployed is done with the access codes TAXISnet or the access codes of certified OAED users, through the Single Digital Portal of the Hellenic State gov.gr. In fact, the OAED is ready as soon as the KYA is published for the unemployed to start applying immediately.

In the new community service program for municipalities, Regions and public bodies beneficiaries of the previous Community Service programs for the last four years cannot participate.

Thus, the beneficiaries who participated in the previous announcements with no. 9/2017, 16/2017, 4/2018, 8/2018, 10/2018, 3/2019 and 4/2020 OAED Public Invitations.

In particular, the new action "Promotion of employment through Public Benefit Programs for 25,000 people in Municipalities, Regions, Social Welfare Centers of Regions (KKPP)/related bodies, Ministry Services and other bodies" concerns 7 months of work and 1 month of training.


The new cycle will concern 25,000 beneficiaries, while the daily fee is expected to be 21.84 euros, while the monthly up to 546 euros.

Beneficiaries are only registered unemployed people in the Organization's unemployment registers who belong to at least one of the following categories:

a) unemployed, registered in the unemployment registers of the OAED, members of families in which no one works and whose spouses are registered unemployed in the OAED unemployment registers,

b) unemployed, registered in the unemployment registers of the OAED, members of single-parent families in which no one works,

c) long-term unemployed, registered in the unemployment registers of the OAED,

d) unemployed university and technological graduates, registered in the unemployment registers of the OAED, to cover positions based on standard qualifications,

e) unemployed over the age of 29, registered in the unemployment registers of the OAED,

f) registered in the registers of unemployed persons with disabilities of the OAED and

g) unemployed beneficiaries of "Solidarity Social Income (KEA)", registered in the unemployment registers of the OAED.

The action includes:

  1. Placement in a specific position of employment for a total of 8 months in Municipalities, Regions, Regional Social Welfare Centers (KKPP)/ related agencies and Ministries and other agencies.
  2. Theoretical training program up to 150 hours, depending on the thematic subject chosen by the beneficiary, which will lead to the certification of the knowledge and skills acquired within the program.

The action aims to strengthen/promote the employment of the unemployed with an emphasis mainly on vulnerable population groups that face a high risk of exclusion (such as the long-term unemployed, unemployed with low qualifications) and are required to work in the first phase, in a "protected environment" in order to join the labor market and avoid marginalization while maintaining their employability.

At the same time, the programs will be linked to the upgrading of knowledge and skills according to the real individual needs of the unemployed so that the participants are strengthened during the process of their integration into the labor market, so that they have a multiplying effect on the economy.

In particular, the programs fall under the following priority areas:

  • upgrading the services provided to citizens by Local Government bodies, such as the upgrading and maintenance of municipal infrastructure, upgrading the operation of municipal services with an emphasis on promoting the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), cleanliness,
  • support and improvement of education services,
  • improvement of the provided social and public services of the Public Administration to the citizens who are in need due to the consequences of the economic crisis,
  • ecological actions to protect the biodiversity of protected areas with the aim of developing and maintaining sustainable populations and ecosystems,
  • landscaping/maintenance services,
  • transition to a circular economy,
  • natural disaster prevention,
  • first aid,
  • aged care skills,
  • construction industry operations.

Information - Contact

Contact KEK KEPETH for more information:

Address: 9 Vassani, Volos, 38333

Phone: 24210-30535

E-mail: info@kepeth.gr

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