
Supervisors / Wardens Seminar (Frontline Security Managers)

Supervisors / Wardens Seminar (Frontline Security Managers)

KEK KEPETH, which has been operating continuously since 1991 with the aim of implementing Lifelong Learning Programs in collaboration with KEK MASTER, organizes a series of seminars aimed at training Wardens/Supervisors (first line managers) so that:

A. At a cognitive level, to acquire the necessary knowledge and to be able to control:

  • With inspections, control and supervision at all guarded points around the clock
  • The condition of the staff performing the service, in terms of their appearance, performance, behavior and general psycho-physical disposition and ability
  • The correct execution of the duties of the Security Personnel
  • The effectiveness of the applied customer security measures and their full and correct implementation
  • The suitability and adequacy of the technical means used
  • The appropriate and legal existence, but also the use of their personal equipment
  • The correct use of official books.

B. At the skill level, to become capable so that they can:

  • They give the necessary instructions-orders to the staff each time
  • They manage the staff, as a team, who will recognize them as their leaders
  • They provide the correct and legal solutions to incidents that have "escaped" from the security staff
  • They are fluent in communication, on a multi-level basis
  • They meet the expectations of security personnel who call them in emergency situations

C. At the level of attitudes and behaviors, to have the opportunity to:

  • They sensitize the staff to the subject of their professional occupation
  • They motivate the staff for more intense professional appearance - performance - behavior
  • They encourage the proper use of the available technological equipment and service books
  • They encourage communication with the competent Bodies as the case may be
  • They understand the need to act immediately
  • They explain the position and responsibility of IEPYA towards the client

The above thematic subjects of 12 hours duration concern the certified (by EOPPEP and KEMEA) professionals in the field.

The 12-hour seminar (Two days) can be implemented remotely with an online class (Everyone from their own place with their own PC). The training cost is one hundred and forty euros (€150)

The proposed themes can be modified and adapted, depending on:

  • The experience and operational level of the trainees
  • Their cognitive level
  • The real professional needs determined mainly by the profile of the Company and the needs of the Client Body.


Contact – Information

Contact KEK KEPETH for more information

9 Vassani Street, 38333, 2nd Floor, Volos

Tel. Contact: 24210-30535