The submission of online applications has started for the new innovative "Business grant program for the employment of the unemployed, aged 25 to 45" of DYPA which aims to train 10,000 unemployed people and create 7,500 new full-time jobs. Businesses that will employ unemployed people for 6 months in a new job... See more
Six new job programs have been announced by the Public Employment Service (DYPA, formerly OAED) and will concern 53,220 unemployed by the end of the year. Specifically, the first program concerns the grant of business initiatives of 3,220 freelancers aged 30-45 in the less developed Regions of the country and in the Region of Western Macedonia, with an emphasis on digital ... See more
19 October 2022KEK KEPETH
The two Temporary Registers of Training Providers as part of the "new generation" skills upgrading programs for 80,000 unemployed, with a total budget of 100 million euros, financed by the Recovery and Resilience Fund, were posted on the website of the Public Employment Service (DYPA). The aim of the action is to effectively link training with the needs of... See more
1 June 2022KEK KEPETH
New training and skills upgrading programs for 80,000 unemployed are being launched by the OAED in the next period in high-demand sectors with an emphasis on digital and green skills with a training voucher of between 250 and 1,000 euros. Each trainee will attend a Theoretical Training program concerning the development of digital and "green" knowledge... See more
April 1, 2022KEK KEPETH
The recruitment of 25,000 unemployed people through the community service program is currently being run by the OAED and the program for thousands of unemployed people is now underway, with applications to be completed next week, specifically on March 18. The deadline for submitting online applications to participate in the Program started on Friday 18... See more
14 March 2022KEK KEPETH
By the end of October, the notice for submitting applications for the community service program is expected to be published. The delay in the issuance of the KYA is due to the fact that the allocation of seats per municipality has not yet been completed. Applications are expected to begin in November. The temporary... See more
19 October 2021KEK KEPETH
By the middle of September, it is expected that the invitation of the new Community Service program for 25,000 beneficiaries in municipalities and public institutions will be issued by the OAED. According to information, the delay in starting the procedures for the new community service is due to the fact that an extension was given to the submission of the positions by the ... See more
September 1, 2021KEK KEPETH