
New Voucher programs with a salary of up to €1,000

New Voucher programs with a salary of up to €1,000

New training and skills upgrading programs for 80,000 unemployed are being launched by the OAED in the next period in high-demand sectors with an emphasis on digital and green skills with a training voucher of between 250 and 1,000 euros.


Each trainee will attend a Theoretical Training program concerning the development of digital and "green" knowledge and skills, with a total duration of 50 to 200 hours. The cost per hour of training for trainees is set at €5.

In particular, theoretical training services will be provided to the unemployed - which will lead to certification of the knowledge and skills that will be acquired in the context of the training - and will be addressed to beneficiaries registered in the OAED's Register of Unemployed over the age of 18. In particular, the services provided in the context of this project include:

  1. Theoretical training programs for the unemployed - beneficiaries lasting 50 - 200 hours that lead to the acquisition of digital and "green" knowledge and skills.
    II. Certification of the knowledge and skills that will be acquired in the context of the training programs.

The implementation of the continuing training programs will be carried out with live training in a percentage of at least 35% of the total hours of each program and with the method of distance education (telelearning), which will include at least 35% synchronous distance training and up to 30% asynchronous distance training education. The daily duration of live education and modern distance education cannot exceed six (6) hours. The end time of live education and modern distance education should not exceed 22:00. Online education and modern distance education are not allowed on Sundays, as well as public holidays. Each training program, lasting up to 200 hours, must be completed within 3 months at the latest.

Training providers will set up separate training departments for each CPD Programme. The total number of participants in each training section at the start of it must be at least 5 people and not more than 25 people.

When completing a training section, in addition to the beneficiaries of this project, other trainees of the training provider may participate, provided that they do not exceed a total of 25 people.

The project will be implemented through the process of providing Training Vouchers to the beneficiaries, who will be selected through a public invitation of the OAED. The beneficiaries of the project are entitled to a personal training voucher, with which they gain the opportunity to be trained in a specific thematic subject of their choice, during the phase of submitting an application to the call, which will be issued by the OAED for specific training programs. Through the training voucher the training provider will receive their remuneration for the training programme.

The information of the interested parties about the project, but also about issues that will arise during its implementation, will be carried out, in accordance with the conditions of the invitations that will be issued for each individual action, through the special website http://www. voucher.gov.gr.



The right to participate in each Action of this project and therefore the right to submit a "Participation Application" for registration in the Register of Beneficiaries that will be set up by the OAED have the unemployed who meet at least the following conditions:

  1. Be registered in the Unemployment Registers of the OAED, regardless of whether they receive unemployment benefits or not.
  2. Be over 18 years of age.

III. To be graduates of at least compulsory secondary education.
Each invitation published by the OAED will determine the additional conditions for participation, depending on the requirements of each Continuing Professional Training program.

The selection of the beneficiaries in the context of each call will be made in order of priority of submission of the application, as long as the individual conditions for participation in the training program they choose are met (such as unemployment, educational level, knowledge of a foreign language, where required, etc.) and until exhaustion of the offered seats.

Each interested unemployed person has the right to submit an application for participation and attend a single program of Continuing Professional training, within the framework of an invitation, as long as there are places available when the application is submitted.

The unemployed who will be registered in the Register of Beneficiaries should be registered in the unemployment registers of the O.A.E.D. during the application submission phase. It is noted that unemployment will be checked automatically, by cross-checking the data kept in the Unemployment Registers of the O.A.E.D.

Submission of applications
The submission of Applications for the participation of the unemployed in the project will be done exclusively electronically. The procedure and conditions for the participation of the unemployed will be specified in detail in each invitation. The submission of an application for participation in the Register of Beneficiaries of this decision constitutes an authorization to the OAED, the Special Coordination Service of the Recovery Fund and the Training and Certification Bodies participating in the project, for the further processing of personal data, including sensitive data, for the needs for the implementation of this project, as well as for their export in the form of microdata.
After submitting the application, which will be accompanied by all the required supporting documents for participation, according to the invitation, if the conditions for participation are met, the beneficiaries choose the Continuing Professional Training Program they wish to attend, from the list of training programs offered, in which is given the necessary information, about the content of the program, the knowledge and skills to be acquired, the duration of the program, as well as the training provider.

The beneficiary is obliged to continuously follow the training program with the required diligence and participate in the certification exams. The permitted limit of absences of the beneficiaries during the total duration of the training program amounts to 10% of the total duration of the living and distance modern training. Exceptionally, the permitted limit of absences amounts to 20% of the total duration of living and distance modern training exclusively if:

– Is a person with a disability, after justification and in consultation with the training provider.

– He has been hospitalized during the implementation of the program (which is proven by a relevant certificate from the hospital where he was hospitalized) or an opinion from the Director of a Hospital clinic recommending that he remain bedridden. The beneficiary must provide the above certificate or opinion immediately to the training provider.

– She is going through a period of pregnancy or childbirth, during the implementation of the program. In this case, the beneficiary is obliged to immediately provide the training provider with a relevant certificate from the hospital or the competent doctor.
In the event that the beneficiary exceeds the permitted limit of absences or interrupts the training (the interruption is for reasons of health/force majeure or not), no remuneration is paid to the Provider, the beneficiary is not entitled to an allowance and is deleted from the Register of Beneficiaries. The Provider informs OAED about this.